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*A = Adjourned
*C = Crash
*T = Time Loss
*I = Illegal Move
*F = (set to Forfeit)
*R = Replayed

[RWBC games download]

Seeding List


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- Homer egbb disabled after round 1
- Xpdnt downgraded to version 060602 after round 1
- Alfil updated to version 6.91 after round 1

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RWBC Class D 7th Edition

Running from 23.09.06 until 02.11.06
[Promotions: 11 Demotions: 8]
Previous rounds => [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

=>Current Standings

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 21(Last round!)

481. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Madeleine_02 [ 47] 1-0 B33 (2:1) 482. Viper_01 - Uragano_087 [ 48] 1-0 B93 (R2:n4) 483. BlackBishop_097i - Colossus_2006f [ 33] 0-1 C54 (qR6:qrn7) 484. Danasah_244 - GES_136 [ 65] 0-1 C43 (r1:qr1) 485. Homer_112 - Aice_0992 [127] 0-1 B80 (:r) 486. Anechka_008 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 90] 1-0 D20 (qr4:qn4) 487. Genesis_201b01 - Gaia_35 [ 63] 0-1 D19 (n:r1) 488. Ayito_02994 - Arion_17 [ 49] 0-1 B81 (rn6:rb5) *C Ayito crashed in won position! 489. ThorsHammer_228 - Deuterium_06072463b [ 63] 0-1 D15 (n3:R1) 490. Typhoon_100r281 - BugChess2_13 [ 89] 1-0 B81 (r:) Typhoon already had a lost position! 491. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Alfil_691 [ 39] 1-0 B99 (q3:q3) 492. Xpdnt_060602 - Sage_22a [ 62] 1-0 B40 (rbn2:r2) 493. NagaSkaki_40 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 62] 1-0 B50 (n2:n) 494. GK_090 - Natwarlal_012 [ 52] 0-1 B15 (4:q2) 495. MrChess_21 - LordKing_40 [ 83] 0-1 C41 (2:4) 496. Fortress_162 - Bodo_02b [ 58] 0-1 D30 (bn4:qrb4) 497. Gaviota_033 - Ax_08 [ 49] 1-0 A43 (b6:3) 498. Tinker_526 - WJChess_164 [ 96] 0-1 E21 (r4:rb4) 499. Wing_20a - OliThink_411 [ 57] 1-0 D66 (2:2) 500. Nesik_070 - DelphiMax_29 [ 76] 1-0 E12 (r2:n1) 501. nanoSzachy_26 - Celes_078RWBC [ 45] 1-0 D02 (qb1:n1) 502. DrunkenMaster_12 - BigLion_223w [126] =-= C52 (r:n) 503. Ghost_014 - Matheus_23 [ 37] 0-1 B51 (b4:q7) 504. InmiChess_305 - Asterisk_04b [ 45] 1-0 B12 (rn4:rb3)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 20

457. Natwarlal_012 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 46] 0-1 D00 (n3:rb3) 458. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Viper_01 [ 44] 0-1 B80 (qrn4:qR5) 459. Colossus_2006f - Typhoon_100r281 [ 73] 1-0 D88 (rn1:r) 460. Homer_112 - Danasah_244 [ 59] 1-0 C77 (rbn3:r4) 461. Aice_0992 - Ayito_02994 [ 26] 1-0 B09 (qRb2:qrN3) 462. Arion_17 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 87] 0-1 C91 (r1:rb2) 463. Alfil_691 - Anechka_008 [114] =-= C88 (r:r) 464. Sage_22a - ThorsHammer_228 [ 81] =-= D12 (qn3:Q2) 465. BugChess2_13 - GES_136 [ 47] =-= C99 (qb3:rB4) 466. Gaia_35 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 48] 1-0 B46 (B2:b2) 467. Xpdnt_060602 - Genesis_201b01 [ 27] 0-1 E20 (qRb5:qRb6) 468. LordKing_40 - Uragano_087 [ 40] 0-1 B10 (r3:q4) 469. WJChess_164 - BlackBishop_097i [112] 0-1 D02 (rb3:rb4) 470. Madeleine_02 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 53] 1-0 B42 (q5:r3) 471. Deuterium_06072463b - Tinker_526 [ 66] 1-0 D97 (rb6:R1) 472. GK_090 - Gaviota_033 [170] =-= C47 (b2:n2) 473. Matheus_23 - InmiChess_305 [ 71] 1-0 C50 (rb2:r) 474. Tornado_10Mainz - Ax_08 [ 62] 1-0 B77 (b3:3) 475. Wing_20a - Asterisk_04b [ 87] =-= B17 (n:1) 476. nanoSzachy_26 - Fortress_162 [ 49] 1-0 C18 (qn4:r5) 477. OliThink_411 - Ghost_014 [146] =-= B40 (r:b1) 478. Bodo_02b - DelphiMax_29 [ 70] 1-0 D02 (Rb1:rb2) 479. BigLion_223w - Nesik_070 [ 24] 0-1 C50 (qRn4:qRn6) 480. Celes_078RWBC - MrChess_21 [ 51] 1-0 C69 (q5:r2)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 19

433. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Xpdnt_060602 [ 35] 1-0 D48 (qrb2:qRn4) 434. Typhoon_100r281 - Viper_01 [ 38] 1-0 B51 (qrbn6:qrn4) 435. ThorsHammer_228 - Colossus_2006f [ 59] 0-1 A20 (qr2:qr5) 436. Danasah_244 - BugChess2_13 [ 43] 1-0 D05 (RB3:rb4) 437. RomiChess_Proto3i - Aice_0992 [ 53] 0-1 B33 (b4:q4) 438. Ayito_02994 - Gaia_35 [ 50] 1-0 A36 (B4:r2) 439. Anechka_008 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 55] =-= D37 (q4:q3) 440. Arion_17 - Deuterium_06072463b [ 55] 1-0 D30 (R3:r2) 441. WJChess_164 - Homer_112 [ 62] 0-1 E00 (:2) 442. GES_136 - Sage_22a [ 94] =-= A47 (r:1) 443. BlackBishop_097i - Alfil_691 [135] =-= A30 (r3:r3) 444. Genesis_201b01 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 34] 1-0 E41 (Rb5:Rb3) 445. Gaviota_033 - NagaSkaki_40 [120] 0-1 D31 (:q) 446. Uragano_087 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 94] =-= D45 (q2:q2) 447. Ghost_014 - Natwarlal_012 [ 57] 0-1 B07 (q2:q2) 448. Nesik_070 - Madeleine_02 [ 74] 0-1 D46 (r2:bn2) 449. DelphiMax_29 - LordKing_40 [ 66] 0-1 A21 (2:rb) 450. InmiChess_305 - BigLion_223w [ 82] =-= C70 (1:b) 451. Fortress_162 - Wing_20a [ 69] 0-1 B46 (3:b2) 452. Ax_08 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 88] =-= C78 (:) 453. MrChess_21 - GK_090 [119] =-= C62 (2:n) 454. Celes_078RWBC - Bodo_02b [ 84] 0-1 A14 (1:q2) 455. Tinker_526 - Matheus_23 [ 74] =-= E21 (1:n) 456. Asterisk_04b - OliThink_411 [ 45] 0-1 D53 (n2:r3)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 18

409. Sage_22a - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 47] 0-1 B95 (b4:rb4) 410. Viper_01 - Genesis_201b01 [ 42] 1-0 B92 (r5:r4) 411. Colossus_2006f - Arion_17 [ 47] 1-0 A02 (b4:3) 412. Aice_0992 - Danasah_244 [ 33] 0-1 B01 (Rb2:Rb6) 413. BugChess2_13 - Anechka_008 [ 47] 1-0 A16 (qrb4:qrb1) 414. Gaia_35 - Homer_112 [ 64] 1-0 A55 (qb1:bn4) 415. DrunkenMaster_12 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 88] 0-1 D30 (:r) 416. Alfil_691 - Ayito_02994 [ 62] 0-1 B84 (1:rn1) 417. Tornado_10Mainz - ThorsHammer_228 [ 54] 0-1 B10 (2:r2) 418. Xpdnt_060602 - GES_136 [ 35] =-= D38 (qrBn5:qrbN5) 419. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 49] 1-0 D88 (r4:b1) 420. Deuterium_06072463b - InmiChess_305 [ 40] 1-0 C80 (rn2:rb4) *T InMiChess lost on time 421. Natwarlal_012 - Gaviota_033 [ 41] =-= B86 (qn5:qr4) 422. MrChess_21 - WJChess_164 [ 44] 0-1 B56 (R3:Rn3) 423. Ghost_014 - Fortress_162 [ 61] 1-0 B08 (b1:) 424. Wing_20a - Madeleine_02 [ 39] 0-1 B99 (qrn4:qRbn3) 425. GK_090 - Uragano_087 [117] 0-1 B20 (r1:q1) 426. Ax_08 - BlackBishop_097i [ 82] 0-1 B21 (2:r3) 427. nanoSzachy_26 - DelphiMax_29 [ 77] 0-1 B51 (q:q4) 428. NagaSkaki_40 - BigLion_223w [ 56] 1-0 D37 (qb3:qn4) 429. LordKing_40 - Tinker_526 [ 76] 1-0 C28 (rb2:2) 430. OliThink_411 - Nesik_070 [ 84] 0-1 C92 (2:n2) 431. Asterisk_04b - Bodo_02b [114] =-= A05 (:) 432. Matheus_23 - Celes_078RWBC [ 69] 1-0 A32 (r1:r)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 17

385. Hiarcs_X50UCI - BugChess2_13 [ 52] 1-0 A58 (qn3:q1) 386. Viper_01 - Xpdnt_060602 [ 70] 1-0 B56 (n3:r) 387. Homer_112 - Colossus_2006f [ 42] 0-1 B81 (rb1:rbn3) 388. Anechka_008 - Aice_0992 [ 59] 0-1 D26 (q1:qr3) 389. Ayito_02994 - Danasah_244 [ 78] 0-1 D45 (:1) 390. RomiChess_Proto3i - ThorsHammer_228 [ 52] 1-0 B17 (rb5:rb2) 391. Typhoon_100r281 - Arion_17 [132] =-= C54 (:N) 392. Alfil_691 - Gaia_35 [123] =-= B82 (b2:b1) 393. Genesis_201b01 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 99] =-= A59 (r4:r4) 394. DrunkenMaster_12 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 75] =-= B31 (rn:rn) 395. Sage_22a - Deuterium_06072463b [ 54] 1-0 D07 (b3:rn) 396. GES_136 - Wing_20a [ 57] 1-0 E48 (rn3:r2) 397. Natwarlal_012 - Uragano_087 [ 53] =-= A45 (:) 398. InmiChess_305 - MrChess_21 [ 52] 1-0 C44 (B3:3) 399. Madeleine_02 - WJChess_164 [ 45] 0-1 A81 (n2:r3) 400. DelphiMax_29 - Gaviota_033 [ 64] 0-1 D15 (n3:B2) 401. Tinker_526 - Ghost_014 [ 73] =-= D40 (r1:r1) 402. Bodo_02b - GK_090 [ 65] 1-0 D21 (qb3:rn1) 403. BlackBishop_097i - Asterisk_04b [ 32] 1-0 D46 (qrB6:rbn5) 404. Fortress_162 - Matheus_23 [ 64] 1-0 B34 (b4:b) 405. NagaSkaki_40 - OliThink_411 [ 58] 1-0 A13 (qb5:1) 406. BigLion_223w - nanoSzachy_26 [ 61] 0-1 B06 (r3:r4) 407. Nesik_070 - Ax_08 [ 71] 1-0 E89 (bn3:b1) 408. Celes_078RWBC - LordKing_40 [ 43] 0-1 A04 (q4:rBn4)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 16

361. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Alfil_691 [ 41] 1-0 B92 (RB3:rB2) 362. Aice_0992 - Viper_01 [ 64] 0-1 B57 (r3:rb2) 363. Danasah_244 - Colossus_2006f [ 70] 0-1 A26 (r:r1) 364. Anechka_008 - Ayito_02994 [ 64] 1-0 B31 (q3:r2) 365. ThorsHammer_228 - Homer_112 [ 83] 0-1 E45 (r1:q2) 366. Xpdnt_060602 - Gaia_35 [116] =-= A30 (b2:b2) 367. Arion_17 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 34] 1-0 A05 (qr7:qr4) 368. BugChess2_13 - Sage_22a [ 67] 1-0 A07 (r3:) 369. Deuterium_06072463b - Genesis_201b01 [ 57] =-= B99 (rbn3:rbn3) 370. RomiChess_Proto3i - Natwarlal_012 [ 73] 1-0 C42 (b3:n) 371. Gaviota_033 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 73] 0-1 B76 (q:q5) 372. MrChess_21 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 49] 0-1 B57 (r3:B5) 373. Uragano_087 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 31] 0-1 B80 (qrB3:qrB5) 374. Ax_08 - InmiChess_305 [ 61] =-= C60 (r2:r3) 375. GK_090 - BlackBishop_097i [ 50] 1-0 C45 (R3:rbn3) 376. Wing_20a - Bodo_02b [ 49] 1-0 D55 (rn4:b4) 377. Asterisk_04b - GES_136 [ 52] 0-1 C95 (qrbn5:qrbN5) 378. LordKing_40 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 47] 1-0 B23 (rb4:bn2) 379. nanoSzachy_26 - Tinker_526 [ 99] 0-1 A26 (:qn) 380. Fortress_162 - Nesik_070 [ 33] 1-0 A57 (qrb5:Rb5) 381. OliThink_411 - Madeleine_02 [ 44] 0-1 B91 (qr4:qr5) 382. WJChess_164 - Celes_078RWBC [ 62] 1-0 D03 (r2:b1) 383. Ghost_014 - BigLion_223w [ 36] 1-0 C26 (qrbn3:qR4) 384. Matheus_23 - DelphiMax_29 [ 81] =-= E39 (:)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 15

337. Tornado_10Mainz - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 49] 0-1 A29 (2:r1) 338. Homer_112 - Viper_01 [ 94] =-= E20 (r:2) 339. ThorsHammer_228 - Aice_0992 [ 93] 0-1 A30 (qr4:qrn5) 340. Colossus_2006f - Anechka_008 [ 56] 1-0 C77 (r3:3) 341. Danasah_244 - Arion_17 [ 47] 1-0 A84 (b6:4) 342. Ayito_02994 - BugChess2_13 [ 47] 1-0 C06 (R3:r2) 343. Alfil_691 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 55] 1-0 C95 (rb3:r3) 344. Typhoon_100r281 - Xpdnt_060602 [169] 0-1 C54 (3:r4) Typhoon did not claim a draw by 50 moves rule and blundered a R?? 345. Gaia_35 - Gaviota_033 [ 39] 1-0 D73 (qRb5:qrb4) 346. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Sage_22a [ 42] 0-1 E14 (qRn2:qrn6) 347. Genesis_201b01 - NagaSkaki_40 [116] 1-0 D46 (r:) 348. BlackBishop_097i - Deuterium_06072463b [ 61] 0-1 B17 (rb4:rn2) 349. GES_136 - Natwarlal_012 [120] 0-1 B08 (r:r3) 350. DrunkenMaster_12 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 65] 1-0 B07 (3:1) 351. Uragano_087 - WJChess_164 [ 52] 1-0 B15 (r2:2) 352. BigLion_223w - MrChess_21 [ 52] 0-1 B53 (qn4:qR4) 353. InmiChess_305 - OliThink_411 [108] 1-0 B16 (2:r) 354. Madeleine_02 - LordKing_40 [173] =-= C41 (b:2) 355. GK_090 - Fortress_162 [ 71] 1-0 B08 (r:2) 356. Tinker_526 - Wing_20a [ 74] 0-1 B92 (r:rn3) 357. Bodo_02b - Ax_08 [ 56] 0-1 B27 (R2:Rb4) 358. Nesik_070 - Matheus_23 [141] =-= D39 (rb:r2) 359. DelphiMax_29 - Ghost_014 [ 56] 1-0 D20 (qrn3:q3) 360. Celes_078RWBC - Asterisk_04b [ 70] 1-0 A12 (r1:1)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 14

313. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Typhoon_100r281 [ 53] 1-0 D88 (qb5:q1) 314. Viper_01 - Ayito_02994 [ 43] 0-1 C76 (r4:rN2) 315. Anechka_008 - Danasah_244 [ 79] 1-0 B07 (qn1:B) 316. Arion_17 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 68] 0-1 B43 (rbn4:qr4) 317. RomiChess_Proto3i - Colossus_2006f [ 31] =-= C43 (qR3:qr5) 318. BugChess2_13 - Xpdnt_060602 [119] =-= B17 (r:rb) 319. Gaia_35 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 82] 0-1 C77 (rn1:R2) 320. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Homer_112 [ 53] 0-1 B62 (qrb5:qrBn5) 321. Aice_0992 - GES_136 [ 75] 1-0 C95 (rb3:b3) 322. Deuterium_06072463b - Alfil_691 [ 56] 0-1 E70 (r3:rb4) 323. Gaviota_033 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 66] 1-0 E83 (qr4:qrb3) 324. NagaSkaki_40 - BlackBishop_097i [130] =-= A45 (b3:r2) 325. Sage_22a - Uragano_087 [ 24] 1-0 D00 (qRn6:qR4) 326. Ghost_014 - Genesis_201b01 [ 84] 0-1 B52 (qb:qr3) 327. nanoSzachy_26 - InmiChess_305 [ 63] 1-0 A50 (qr3:q2) 328. Natwarlal_012 - Nesik_070 [ 44] 1-0 C34 (2:) 329. OliThink_411 - Bodo_02b [ 66] 1-0 B80 (rn3:r2) 330. WJChess_164 - Ax_08 [ 42] 1-0 D94 (qrn4:rbn5) 331. Matheus_23 - Madeleine_02 [159] =-= B80 (qb2:qn1) 332. MrChess_21 - DelphiMax_29 [ 62] 1-0 C76 (rb4:r3) 333. Fortress_162 - BigLion_223w [ 64] 1-0 A70 (3:b1) 334. Asterisk_04b - Tinker_526 [ 69] =-= D26 (b2:b3) 335. LordKing_40 - GK_090 [ 57] 1-0 C25 (q6:qr2) 336. Wing_20a - Celes_078RWBC [ 50] 1-0 B16 (rB2:rb)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 13

289. ThorsHammer_228 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 59] =-= D41 (n3:b3) 290. Viper_01 - BugChess2_13 [ 75] 1-0 A01 (q3:q1) 291. Danasah_244 - Gaia_35 [ 74] 1-0 A29 (r6:r1) 292. Xpdnt_060602 - Arion_17 [ 61] 0-1 D94 (r:r1) 293. Homer_112 - Anechka_008 [ 34] 0-1 D43 (rbn3:Rbn4) 294. Tornado_10Mainz - RomiChess_Proto3i [136] =-= E32 (n:1) 295. Colossus_2006f - Deuterium_06072463b [ 74] 1-0 C77 (n2:r) 296. Typhoon_100r281 - Alfil_691 [ 34] 1-0 B90 (qN4:q4) 297. DrunkenMaster_12 - Aice_0992 [116] 0-1 B31 (:r) 298. Ayito_02994 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 35] 1-0 B30 (qR6:qb4) 299. Bodo_02b - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 72] 0-1 D02 (2:4) 300. GES_136 - Ghost_014 [ 32] 1-0 B40 (qb4:bn4) 301. BlackBishop_097i - Nesik_070 [ 92] 1-0 E60 (q1:q) 302. Genesis_201b01 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 36] =-= C21 (Rn5:Rn5) 303. Madeleine_02 - Gaviota_033 [ 73] 0-1 C48 (n1:r3) 304. Uragano_087 - MrChess_21 [ 52] 1-0 E70 (q5:r3) 305. Sage_22a - WJChess_164 [ 42] 1-0 D23 (r6:n5) 306. InmiChess_305 - LordKing_40 [ 43] 1-0 B07 (q3:bn1) 307. Ax_08 - Asterisk_04b [ 34] 1-0 C42 (Rb3:rn3) 308. Matheus_23 - Natwarlal_012 [ 83] 0-1 C16 (b4:qn5) 309. OliThink_411 - GK_090 [ 66] 1-0 C60 (rB1:n3) 310. BigLion_223w - Wing_20a [116] =-= B53 (B:b) 311. Celes_078RWBC - Tinker_526 [ 46] 1-0 A17 (qRbn5:qR4) 312. DelphiMax_29 - Fortress_162 [ 78] 0-1 C03 (n:r2)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 12

265. Arion_17 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 68] 0-1 A05 (2:4) 266. Anechka_008 - Viper_01 [ 61] 0-1 A30 (:N1) 267. Gaia_35 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 82] 0-1 A55 (rb2:n3) 268. Alfil_691 - Danasah_244 [ 54] 0-1 C12 (n1:bn2) 269. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - BugChess2_13 [ 83] 0-1 D26 (2:b1) 270. NagaSkaki_40 - Homer_112 [ 66] 0-1 E05 (bn1:rb4) 271. RomiChess_Proto3i - Typhoon_100r281 [ 68] =-= B76 (r3:2) 272. Ghost_014 - Xpdnt_060602 [ 34] 0-1 C15 (qrn4:qRb4) 273. Deuterium_06072463b - GES_136 [ 32] 1-0 C91 (qrb7:qrn7) 274. Nesik_070 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 83] 0-1 E12 (r:r1) 275. Bodo_02b - Colossus_2006f [ 35] 0-1 D30 (qb5:qB4) 276. Aice_0992 - Madeleine_02 [ 46] 1-0 B83 (qrn1:qb3) 277. Ayito_02994 - Sage_22a [ 74] 1-0 B14 (1:) 278. WJChess_164 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 93] 0-1 A21 (r:2) 279. Gaviota_033 - Genesis_201b01 [188] =-= E58 (r:r) 280. nanoSzachy_26 - MrChess_21 [ 75] =-= B70 (:) 281. Natwarlal_012 - InmiChess_305 [102] =-= B27 (R4:q3) 282. Tinker_526 - BlackBishop_097i [ 43] 0-1 C48 (r1:rb1) 283. Wing_20a - Uragano_087 [150] 0-1 C18 (2:R) 284. Asterisk_04b - BigLion_223w [ 72] 1-0 A13 (4:2) 285. GK_090 - Matheus_23 [ 30] 1-0 C45 (Rn6:rbn5) 286. Ax_08 - DelphiMax_29 [ 61] 0-1 B04 (3:r4) 287. LordKing_40 - OliThink_411 [122] =-= B10 (:b) 288. Fortress_162 - Celes_078RWBC [ 73] =-= E11 (r1:r)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 11

241. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Anechka_008 [ 57] 1-0 (2:) Anechka blundered a draw in the endgame(avoid R exchange!) 242. Viper_01 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 65] 1-0 (r2:r) 243. BugChess2_13 - Gaia_35 [ 80] =-= (r1:2) 244. Danasah_244 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 18] =-= (qRbN7:qRBn6) 245. Arion_17 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 67] 1-0 (rn2:r) TwistedLogic sacked 3! pawns in the opening? 246. Colossus_2006f - Alfil_691 [ 98] 0-1 (rn2:rb1) Colossus underestimated the B pair 247. Typhoon_100r281 - Homer_112 [ 39] =-= (qbn4:qbn4) 248. DrunkenMaster_12 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 55] 0-1 (rb2:qb2) DrunkenMaster blundered with 30.Ne4 249. Tornado_10Mainz - Bodo_02b [100] =-= (:) 250. Xpdnt_060602 - WJChess_164 [ 56] 1-0 (rb3:N3) 251. Nesik_070 - Deuterium_06072463b [ 72] =-= (r1:r2) 252. Gaviota_033 - Ghost_014 [130] 0-1 (r1:b4) 253. Aice_0992 - Sage_22a [119] =-= (:) 254. GES_136 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 45] 1-0 (n4:4) 255. Uragano_087 - Ayito_02994 [ 31] 0-1 (qrn5:qr5) 256. Genesis_201b01 - Natwarlal_012 [163] 1-0 (q:r) Genesis lost a drawish endgame 2R vs. Q+P 257. Madeleine_02 - Asterisk_04b [ 27] 1-0 (qrbN5:qRbn4) 258. BlackBishop_097i - Wing_20a [145] =-= (b2:) Wing saved a draw because of wrong B + a/h pawns knowledge 259. MrChess_21 - Ax_08 [ 47] 1-0 (qr6:R4) 260. Tinker_526 - Fortress_162 [ 71] 1-0 (B3:r1) 261. BigLion_223w - LordKing_40 [ 79] 1-0 (R1:b) LordKing underestimated a passer 262. Celes_078RWBC - InmiChess_305 [ 50] 0-1 (3:bn3) 263. Matheus_23 - OliThink_411 [ 78] 1-0 (r:1) OliThink missed an easy draw in the endgame 264. DelphiMax_29 - GK_090 [ 74] 0-1 (n2:rb1)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 10

217. Homer_112 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 52] 0-1 A46 (qr4:qr5) Homer perhaps missed a draw 218. Gaia_35 - Anechka_008 [ 59] 0-1 C77 (r2:r6) 219. Colossus_2006f - Viper_01 [ 56] 0-1 D86 (n:b3) Colossus underestimated the B pair 220. RomiChess_Proto3i - Danasah_244 [117] =-= B92 (b2:r1) 221. ThorsHammer_228 - Xpdnt_060602 [ 40] 1-0 D02 (qRb3:qrb4) 222. NagaSkaki_40 - Arion_17 [ 66] 0-1 A30 (r2:rbn) 223. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 42] 1-0 C91 (qRn5:Rn4) Tornado blundered in good position with 19...f5? 224. WJChess_164 - BugChess2_13 [ 35] 0-1 D80 (rB4:qrb5) 225. Alfil_691 - GES_136 [ 30] 1-0 C42 (qrbn5:qRn6) 226. Deuterium_06072463b - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 67] =-= B14 (b3:b2) 227. Natwarlal_012 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 69] 0-1 D00 (1:r1) 228. nanoSzachy_26 - Gaviota_033 [ 65] =-= E15 (n:) 229. Bodo_02b - Uragano_087 [ 67] 1-0 D31 (b3:b2) 230. Wing_20a - Nesik_070 [ 38] 0-1 C92 (qRb2:qRn5) 231. Sage_22a - Genesis_201b01 [ 23] 1-0 B53 (qRbn5:qRbn6) 232. Ghost_014 - BlackBishop_097i [ 42] 1-0 B30 (r4:2) 233. MrChess_21 - Aice_0992 [ 44] 0-1 B97 (R2:Bn6) 234. InmiChess_305 - Madeleine_02 [ 58] 0-1 B24 (rb1:qb2) 235. Ayito_02994 - Tinker_526 [ 54] 1-0 E15 (rn4:n5) 236. Ax_08 - BigLion_223w [ 54] 1-0 C70 (r3:r1) 237. Asterisk_04b - Matheus_23 [ 47] 1-0 A28 (qrb3:qrb4) 238. LordKing_40 - Fortress_162 [174] =-= C00 (:b) 239. OliThink_411 - DelphiMax_29 [ 62] 1-0 B80 (rb2:n4) 240. GK_090 - Celes_078RWBC [128] 1-0 B20 (r1:b)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 9

193. Hiarcs_X50UCI - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 63] 1-0 B14 (r2:r3) 194. Gaia_35 - Colossus_2006f [ 77] 1-0 E16 (q1:r1) Colossus missed a draw (am: 51...Qxa4?) 195. Danasah_244 - Viper_01 [ 32] =-= B14 (qR3:qr4) 196. Anechka_008 - Arion_17 [ 48] 1-0 A85 (qrb5:qr3) 197. NagaSkaki_40 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 46] =-= D30 (qRb4:qRn4) 198. Homer_112 - Deuterium_06072463b [101] 1-0 A07 (q2:q) 199. GES_136 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 73] 0-1 B87 (r2:rb3) 200. Gaviota_033 - WJChess_164 [ 89] 0-1 E90 (rb2:qr) Gaviota even had a won position already 201. DrunkenMaster_12 - Alfil_691 [ 88] =-= B92 (rb5:rb5) 202. BugChess2_13 - Natwarlal_012 [138] 1-0 C10 (b1:) Huge blunder by Natwarlal in a drawn endgame 133...Rb2?? 203. Tornado_10Mainz - nanoSzachy_26 [ 67] 1-0 E15 (bn1:2) 204. Xpdnt_060602 - Aice_0992 [ 70] 1-0 D11 (rb2:rb1) 205. Genesis_201b01 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 34] 0-1 D97 (qr6:RBn6) Bad opening play by Genesis 206. InmiChess_305 - Bodo_02b [ 49] 0-1 C44 (n2:rb4) 207. BlackBishop_097i - Sage_22a [ 93] =-= A34 (:) BlackBishop missed a win 208. Nesik_070 - Ayito_02994 [ 83] 1-0 D39 (1:1) Ayito missed a draw in the endgame 209. Madeleine_02 - Uragano_087 [123] 0-1 D19 (rn:R2) Madeleine missed a draw in the endgame 210. Ghost_014 - Asterisk_04b [ 81] 1-0 C26 (qrb:r) 211. Wing_20a - LordKing_40 [ 83] 1-0 B07 (r3:3) 212. Matheus_23 - MrChess_21 [150] 0-1 B78 (:B) Matheus even lost from a better endgame 213. BigLion_223w - DelphiMax_29 [ 86] 1-0 B53 (q2:q2) 214. Tinker_526 - GK_090 [ 56] 1-0 D02 (r3:r2) 215. Fortress_162 - OliThink_411 [ 99] =-= B16 (:) 216. Celes_078RWBC - Ax_08 [ 55] 0-1 E63 (q4:qrb2)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 8

169. RomiChess_Proto3i - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 70] =-= B80 (rn1:R1) 170. Viper_01 - Gaia_35 [114] =-= B07 (b1:b2) Viper saved a different coloured B endgame 2P down! 171. Colossus_2006f - GES_136 [ 58] 1-0 D70 (4:3) 172. Arion_17 - Homer_112 [ 52] 1-0 D32 (qb3:qr3) Homer played a few strange Q moves asssuming perpetuals 173. Danasah_244 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 81] 1-0 A06 (1:1) 174. Anechka_008 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 46] 1-0 E40 (qrb3:Rn3) Insufficient pawn sack by Tornado 175. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Xpdnt_060602 [ 36] 1-0 C10 (qR5:qR4) 176. Aice_0992 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 63] 0-1 C60 (n2:r5) 177. ThorsHammer_228 - BugChess2_13 [124] =-= A39 (r:b2) 178. Typhoon_100r281 - Deuterium_06072463b [ 85] 0-1 B81 (r:rn1) Typhoon probably missed a draw after a sharp opening 179. Sage_22a - Gaviota_033 [ 77] 0-1 B54 (qb2:qrbn3) 180. nanoSzachy_26 - BlackBishop_097i [ 45] 1-0 B20 (qb3:rn3) BlackBishop underestimated a passer 181. Ayito_02994 - WJChess_164 [ 66] 0-1 E21 (Rb:Rn4) 182. Natwarlal_012 - Madeleine_02 [ 63] 1-0 E17 (rb:r2) 183. Alfil_691 - Ghost_014 [ 32] 1-0 B40 (Rn4:bn3) 184. MrChess_21 - Genesis_201b01 [ 73] 0-1 B92 (1:r1) 185. Bodo_02b - Nesik_070 [ 59] =-= C50 (qbn4:qN3) 186. DelphiMax_29 - InmiChess_305 [ 34] 0-1 C49 (qrbn5:qrb6) 187. Asterisk_04b - LordKing_40 [113] =-= C21 (r4:bn3) 188. Uragano_087 - Fortress_162 [ 75] 1-0 D10 (rB2:rb1) 189. BigLion_223w - Matheus_23 [ 68] 0-1 B00 (b4:Rn) BigLion lost from a better position(trapped King!) 190. GK_090 - Wing_20a [ 68] 0-1 B20 (:b1) 191. Ax_08 - Tinker_526 [ 61] 0-1 C42 (n2:q3) 192. OliThink_411 - Celes_078RWBC [ 69] 0-1 B12 (2:2) OliThink perhaps missed a draw in the P endgame

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 7

146. GES_136 - Gaia_35 [119] =-= B17 (qb:q3) 147. Arion_17 - Viper_01 [ 36] 0-1 A00 (Rb5:qrB4) 148. Homer_112 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 44] =-= E32 (q4:qn3) 149. Xpdnt_060602 - Danasah_244 [ 85] =-= B01 (qrn1:qr3) 150. Deuterium_06072463b - Aice_0992 [ 59] =-= B33 (qr3:q6) 151. BlackBishop_097i - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 63] 0-1 B80 (b:rb2) 152. ThorsHammer_228 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 73] =-= A30 (1:b) 153. DrunkenMaster_12 - Sage_22a [ 84] 1-0 B19 (n1:) 154. Tornado_10Mainz - Alfil_691 [ 50] 1-0 E60 (qrn2:q3) Alfil blundered with 37...Qc7? 155. BugChess2_13 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 68] =-= D97 (r2:r2) 156. Genesis_201b01 - Anechka_008 [ 71] 0-1 A87 (R3:rn4) 157. Madeleine_02 - Ayito_02994 [ 51] =-= B30 (:) 158. Gaviota_033 - Bodo_02b [ 46] 1-0 C92 (q4:n2) 159. WJChess_164 - InmiChess_305 [ 50] 1-0 A34 (rb3:2) 160. LordKing_40 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 40] 0-1 B26 (Rb2:qrn5) 161. Fortress_162 - Natwarlal_012 [ 77] 0-1 A41 (b1:rb1) 162. Nesik_070 - Asterisk_04b [ 52] =-= D21 (R2:rn2) 163. Ghost_014 - GK_090 [109] 1-0 C25 (r:) GK lost an endgame N+P vs. R 164. Wing_20a - MrChess_21 [ 86] 0-1 B65 (R:rb4) 165. Uragano_087 - DelphiMax_29 [ 82] =-= B48 (Rb3:Rb2) 166. Matheus_23 - Ax_08 [ 64] 0-1 B35 (1:3) Mattheus with a bad piece sack in the opening 167. Celes_078RWBC - BigLion_223w [ 70] 0-1 A29 (:q) Strange tablebase bug in Celes in K vs. K+P?? 168. OliThink_411 - Tinker_526 [161] =-= C02 (b2:b1) Olithink missed a win

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 6

121. Gaia_35 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 53] 0-1 D41 (b1:r4) 122. GES_136 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 57] =-= B57 (qn3:q4) GES probably missed a win 123. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - Colossus_2006f [ 64] 0-1 B43 (5:rn3) Interesting but insufficient sack by TwistedLogic 124. Viper_01 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 33] 1-0 C12 (Rn5:rbn1) 125. Sage_22a - Arion_17 [ 81] 0-1 C77 (r:r4) 126. Alfil_691 - Homer_112 [ 40] 0-1 C78 (rb4:qrb4) Huge blunders(36-37) by Alfil(probably hashtable bug) 127. BugChess2_13 - BlackBishop_097i [ 72] =-= E92 (n2:b2) 128. Typhoon_100r281 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 74] =-= C54 (b3:b3) Bad opening play by Typhoon 129. Danasah_244 - Madeleine_02 [ 77] 1-0 D45 (q5:R2) 130. Tornado_10Mainz - Deuterium_06072463b [ 94] =-= D30 (r:r1) 131. InmiChess_305 - Xpdnt_060602 [ 70] 0-1 B21 (r1:q1) 132. Anechka_008 - Fortress_162 [ 73] 1-0 D45 (qb2:q1) 133. Aice_0992 - Nesik_070 [ 45] 1-0 C92 (rb4:5) 134. NagaSkaki_40 - WJChess_164 [ 40] 1-0 D03 (qrb5:R5) 135. Genesis_201b01 - Wing_20a [ 61] 1-0 E52 (qr2:Bn3) 136. Natwarlal_012 - LordKing_40 [109] =-= A41 (q3:R) 137. Bodo_02b - Ghost_014 [ 60] 1-0 D02 (qr1:q1) 138. Ayito_02994 - Matheus_23 [ 32] 1-0 D90 (qRbn3:qR3) 139. nanoSzachy_26 - Uragano_087 [171] =-= E10 (:) 140. Asterisk_04b - GK_090 [122] =-= D20 (r:r) 141. BigLion_223w - Gaviota_033 [ 46] 0-1 C47 (rb5:qr5) 142. Tinker_526 - MrChess_21 [ 50] 0-1 B74 (rn4:rb7) Tinker blundered a pawn in the opening? 143. DelphiMax_29 - Celes_078RWBC [ 65] 1-0 D30 (bn2:1) 144. Ax_08 - OliThink_411 [ 75] 1-0 B16 (q1:2)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 5

97. RomiChess_Proto3i - Gaia_35 [ 84] 0-1 A10 (r2:q5) RomiChess blundered with 64.Rc1? 98. Arion_17 - GES_136 [ 75] =-= D02 (qb2:q5) 99. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Danasah_244 [ 57] 1-0 D58 (rb5:b4) 100. Colossus_2006f - BugChess2_13 [ 60] 1-0 B90 (2:) 101. Homer_112 - Sage_22a [108] =-= E15 (q:qb1) Homer was up +5 in the middlegame and nearly lost! 102. Deuterium_06072463b - Viper_01 [ 44] 0-1 C78 (rb2:r5) Nice positional sack by Viper!(23...Bxg2!) 103. ThorsHammer_228 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 49] 1-0 B33 (qrb4:R6) NagaSkaki blundered with 32...Bc1? 104. WJChess_164 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 69] 0-1 B30 (1:2) 105. Nesik_070 - Alfil_691 [ 50] 0-1 E89 (r3:rB2) Nesik missevaluated Alfils attacking chances 106. Typhoon_100r281 - Aice_0992 [ 92] =-= B31 (1:n) Aice missed a win 107. LordKing_40 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 97] 0-1 B26 (q1:qn3) LordKing was winning in the middlegame and even lost 108. BlackBishop_097i - Bodo_02b [101] 1-0 B90 (q:r) 109. DrunkenMaster_12 - Matheus_23 [ 42] 1-0 C64 (r4:2) 110. Xpdnt_060602 - Natwarlal_012 [ 67] 1-0 B08 (rb3:r) Natwarlal underestimated Xpdnts attack 111. Madeleine_02 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 83] 1-0 D11 (q:r) Bad opening by nano 112. InmiChess_305 - Uragano_087 [ 40] 1-0 B20 (rb4:r5) 113. Gaviota_033 - Anechka_008 [ 85] 0-1 E15 (n1:qn1) Gaviota tried too hard to win the endgame and lost 114. Fortress_162 - Asterisk_04b [ 43] 1-0 D30 (qr4:rb4) 115. Tinker_526 - Genesis_201b01 [ 70] 0-1 E12 (b1:bn3) 116. MrChess_21 - Ghost_014 [ 52] 0-1 B40 (n1:r3) 117. Celes_078RWBC - Ayito_02994 [ 82] 0-1 A33 (r:r3) 118. DelphiMax_29 - Wing_20a [ 78] 0-1 D47 (:1) DelphiMax lost from a much better middlegame 119. OliThink_411 - BigLion_223w [ 55] =-= C70 (rbn3:rB5) BigLion could not win with 2 pawns up 120. GK_090 - Ax_08 [ 55] 1-0 B20 (rb3:b1) Ax blundered with 27...f5?

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 4

73. Gaia_35 - Arion_17 [135] 1-0 C84 (r:) Arion missed a draw 74. RomiChess_Proto3i - Deuterium_06072463b [ 55] 1-0 E20 (Rbn3:Rbn3) 75. Viper_01 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 47] 0-1 B90 (qrn1:qbN2) Great attack by Hiarcs! (test move 24...Qa2!) 76. GES_136 - LordKing_40 [ 81] 1-0 C41 (r1:n) LordKing underestimated a passer again 77. Danasah_244 - BlackBishop_097i [ 59] 1-0 B56 (b2:1) BlackBishop missed a draw in the endgame 78. BugChess2_13 - DrunkenMaster_12 [104] 1-0 A28 (r1:2) 79. Sage_22a - Madeleine_02 [ 44] 1-0 E12 (qR5:rB2) Nice attacking game by Sage! 80. NagaSkaki_40 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 86] =-= B70 (r3:3) 81. Matheus_23 - Homer_112 [ 91] 0-1 E19 (4:q2) Matheus lost a dead drawn Q endgame 82. nanoSzachy_26 - Colossus_2006f [ 40] 0-1 E60 (4:rb2) 83. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - InmiChess_305 [ 30] 1-0 B15 (qRbn5:qrbn4) 84. Asterisk_04b - WJChess_164 [ 36] 0-1 A27 (b5:qb4) 85. Alfil_691 - Fortress_162 [ 31] 1-0 B15 (qb5:R3) 86. Uragano_087 - ThorsHammer_228 [ 46] 0-1 B54 (qr2:qrb4) 87. Genesis_201b01 - Nesik_070 [ 43] 0-1 A59 (r3:q4) Genesis blundered with 30. R4a2? 88. Aice_0992 - Tinker_526 [ 88] 1-0 C00 (2:2) Tinker even lost from a better endgame 89. Ayito_02994 - Bodo_02b [ 87] 0-1 D30 (2:rn) 90. Wing_20a - Xpdnt_060602 [ 96] 0-1 B33 (r5:rn3) 91. Natwarlal_012 - DelphiMax_29 [ 43] 1-0 A07 (Rb3:Rn4) 92. Celes_078RWBC - Tornado_10Mainz [ 66] 0-1 A28 (b1:q2) 93. MrChess_21 - Gaviota_033 [ 52] 0-1 D58 (4:rb2) 94. Anechka_008 - OliThink_411 [ 26] 1-0 B13 (qR5:qrB4) 95. BigLion_223w - GK_090 [109] =-= C46 (1:) 96. Ghost_014 - Ax_08 [ 51] 1-0 B27 (2:)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 3

49. LordKing_40 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 50] 0-1 C24 (R1:Rb2) LordKing underestimated a passer 50. Arion_17 - BugChess2_13 [ 76] 1-0 B15 (q:3) 51. Hiarcs_X50UCI - GES_136 [ 56] =-= C06 (rn2:rn2) 52. DrunkenMaster_12 - Gaia_35 [ 72] 0-1 C67 (b2:B4) 53. Deuterium_06072463b - NagaSkaki_40 [ 66] 1-0 D11 (b2:2) 54. BlackBishop_097i - Matheus_23 [110] =-= E84 (r:n1) BlackBishop missed a win in the endgame 55. WJChess_164 - Viper_01 [ 44] 0-1 C02 (q4:qr5) 56. Colossus_2006f - Genesis_201b01 [ 70] 1-0 E02 (r:) 57. InmiChess_305 - Nesik_070 [116] =-= C44 (q:rn1) 58. Fortress_162 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [116] =-= D26 (r2:bn1) Fortress missed a win 59. Typhoon_100r281 - Ayito_02994 [ 58] 1-0 B90 (b4:n3) 60. Homer_112 - Natwarlal_012 [ 35] 1-0 B04 (qrbn4:Rb4) Bad opening by Natwarlal 61. Madeleine_02 - MrChess_21 [ 57] 1-0 E90 (qrb3:qR2) 62. Tornado_10Mainz - Danasah_244 [162] 0-1 B98 (r:q) Tornado missed a draw in the endgame 63. Sage_22a - Celes_078RWBC [ 56] 1-0 D24 (q3:q1) 64. Bodo_02b - nanoSzachy_26 [110] 0-1 B84 (rn2:r4) Bodo blundered a draw with 79. Rb2? 65. DelphiMax_29 - Asterisk_04b [ 60] 0-1 D45 (3:bn2) DelphiMax missed a draw in the endgame 66. Gaviota_033 - Alfil_691 [ 56] 0-1 B90 (rn3:rb4) 67. ThorsHammer_228 - Anechka_008 [ 35] 1-0 E20 (qRb7:qrN4) Anechka blundered with 24...g5?(king safety) 68. Uragano_087 - Ghost_014 [ 97] 1-0 D20 (r:) Ghost missed a perpetual draw 69. Tinker_526 - BigLion_223w [ 54] 1-0 D02 (qrn5:4) 70. GK_090 - Aice_0992 [ 38] 0-1 B20 (qRn3:qRBn5) 71. Ax_08 - Wing_20a [ 52] 0-1 B23 (b2:rb3) 72. Xpdnt_060602 - OliThink_411 [ 48] 1-0 A13 (q5:R1)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 2

25. Genesis_201b01 - RomiChess_Proto3i [ 52] 0-1 D43 (1:b2) Genesis let a B trap in the endgame 26. Nesik_070 - LordKing_40 [ 73] 0-1 A21 (rn2:rB2) 27. Ayito_02994 - Hiarcs_X50UCI [ 39] 0-1 C68 (r5:rb5) 28. MrChess_21 - Arion_17 [ 89] 0-1 C90 (rn:qr) 29. GES_136 - Typhoon_100r281 [ 60] 1-0 B78 (n4:r1) 30. TwistedLogic_0065e37 - DrunkenMaster_12 [ 58] 0-1 B14 (R3:Rb4) Bad opening by TwistedLogic 31. Natwarlal_012 - Deuterium_06072463b [ 95] 0-1 E68 (1:b1) Natwarlal missed a draw 32. BugChess2_13 - Tornado_10Mainz [ 42] 1-0 C18 (qrbn4:qrn3) 33. NagaSkaki_40 - DelphiMax_29 [ 63] 1-0 D27 (r4:r2) 34. Gaia_35 - Bodo_02b [ 55] 1-0 E11 (b5:2) 35. Matheus_23 - nanoSzachy_26 [ 45] 1-0 B05 (rb3:rb2) 36. Viper_01 - Gaviota_033 [ 67] 1-0 D30 (qn2:q1) 37. Anechka_008 - BlackBishop_097i [ 35] 0-1 E06 (qrb5:qrB4) 38. BigLion_223w - WJChess_164 [ 77] 0-1 C00 (b3:r2) 39. GK_090 - InmiChess_305 [ 50] 0-1 C45 (r2:r3) 40. Asterisk_04b - Uragano_087 [ 67] =-= A28 (r1:r1) 41. Ghost_014 - Celes_078RWBC [ 76] 0-1 B13 (1:2) 42. Ax_08 - Fortress_162 [ 44] 0-1 B21 (2:4) 43. Aice_0992 - Colossus_2006f [ 52] 0-1 B90 (rn2:qb3) 44. Alfil_691 - ThorsHammer_228 [157] =-= C17 (r:2) Thor missed a win in the endgame 45. Wing_20a - Homer_112 [117] 0-1 C67 (:r) Wing missed a draw in the endgame 46. Xpdnt_060602 - Madeleine_02 [ 41] 0-1 A31 (qrb6:qrb6) Xpdnt played a bad move immediately(depth5!) 47. OliThink_411 - Danasah_244 [ 60] 0-1 B05 (3:3) 48. Tinker_526 - Sage_22a [ 48] 0-1 E21 (3:4)

RWBC Class D 7th Edition - Round 1

1. Celes_078RWBC - Genesis_201b01 [ 48] 0-1 A14 (b5:b7) 2. InmiChess_305 - NagaSkaki_40 [ 33] 0-1 C44 (rb6:rBn3) Insufficient piece sack by InMiChess 3. Bodo_02b - BigLion_223w [ 42] 1-0 A60 (rb4:b3) 4. Gaviota_033 - Matheus_23 [116] =-= B70 (r2:r2) 5. RomiChess_Proto3i - Asterisk_04b [ 32] 1-0 C43 (rb5:r3) Asterisk blundered with 21...h6?? +- 6. LordKing_40 - Ax_08 [ 62] 1-0 B23 (qr1:n3) Ax missed a draw in the endgame 7. Nesik_070 - Ghost_014 [ 56] 1-0 D21 (rbn2:rb) 8. Fortress_162 - MrChess_21 [ 61] 0-1 B45 (r1:rb3) 9. Hiarcs_X50UCI - Aice_0992 [ 43] 1-0 B33 (q2:4) 10. BlackBishop_097i - Viper_01 [133] =-= C11 (1:b) 11. Colossus_2006f - Ayito_02994 [ 61] 0-1 C77 (r:rb3) Colossus underestimated Ayitos attacking chances 12. ThorsHammer_228 - TwistedLogic_0065e37 [ 63] 0-1 A07 (q2:q2) 13. Typhoon_100r281 - Wing_20a [ 28] 1-0 B81 (qR5:RN4) 14. Arion_17 - Alfil_69 [ 64] 1-0 B99 (rbn:3) Alfil missed a draw in a complicated unbalanced position 15. Homer_112 - GES_136 [ 25] 0-1 A29 (qR6:qR5) *C Homer crashed! 16. DrunkenMaster_12 - Xpdnt_060829 [ 40] 1-0 C67 (qrn6:qrn5) *T Xpdnt lost on time! 17. Danasah_244 - Natwarlal_012 [109] 0-1 B02 (b:r1) 18. Madeleine_02 - BugChess2_13 [ 58] 0-1 B48 (qn:q3) 19. Deuterium_06072463b - OliThink_411 [ 42] 1-0 B13 (rBn5:Rb5) 20. Tornado_10Mainz - Sage_22a [ 93] 1-0 B19 (rb1:r) 21. DelphiMax_29 - Tinker_526 [ 66] 1-0 C42 (qb1:4) Tinker even missed a win in the middlegame 22. Uragano_087 - Gaia_35 [105] 0-1 C88 (:r) 23. nanoSzachy_26 - GK_090 [110] 1-0 D06 (b3:b1) 24. WJChess_164 - Anechka_008 [ 93] =-= B19 (n:)

Standings =>Back to current round

Place Name Fed Author Score M-Buch. Buch. 1 Hiarcs_X50UCI (33) UK Mark Uniacke 19.5 224.5 250.5 #1-11 promoted 2 Viper_01 (34) NO Tord Romstad 16.0 224.5 254.5 3 Colossus_2006f (35) UK Martin Bryant 15.5 225.5 255.5 4 Aice_0992 (9) GR Milikas Anastasios 13.5 217.5 244.0 5 Danasah_244 (41) ES Pedro Casto 13.0 224.5 250.5 6 Gaia_35 (46) FR Romang + Rabel 12.5 223.0 252.5 7 Anechka_008 (48) RU Sergei Nefedov 12.5 222.5 248.5 8 Homer_112 (39) DE Daniel Mehrmann 12.0 228.0 256.5 9 RomiChess_Proto3i (29) US Michael Sherwin 12.0 226.5 252.5 10 Arion_17 (14) FR Gabriel Guillory 12.0 226.0 253.5 11 Typhoon_100r281 (37) US Scott Gasch 11.5 224.5 254.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 GES_136 (15) US David B Weller 11.5 219.0 245.0 13 Ayito_02994 (11) ES Jaime Benito de Valle Ruiz 11.5 218.0 243.0 14 TwistedLogic_0065e37 (36) PH Edsel Apostel 11.5 216.5 244.0 15 Deuterium_06072463b (43) PH Ferdinand S Mosca 11.5 211.0 233.5 16 ThorsHammer_228 (12) CR-I Toma Roncevicz 11.0 229.5 259.0 17 BugChess_213 (42) FR Francois Karr 11.0 223.5 253.0 18 Xpdnt_060602 (40) US David B Weller 11.0 216.5 242.5 19 Genesis_201b1 (1) IL Omid David 11.0 206.5 228.0 20 Natwarlal_012 (17) IN Pallav Nawani 11.0 201.0 226.5 21 NagaSkaki_40 (26) ZA Neels Groenewald 11.0 200.5 219.5 22 Alfil_691 (38) ES Enrique Sanchez Acosta 10.5 218.5 246.0 23 Sage_22a (44) US David Dahlem 10.5 207.0 232.0 24 BlackBishop_097i (10) DE Andreas Herrmann 10.5 199.5 222.0 25 Madeleine_02 (18) IT Luigi Ripamonti 10.5 198.5 224.5 26 Uragano_087 (22) IT Luca Naddei 10.5 190.5 212.5 27 Gaviota_033 (4) AR Miguel Ballicora 10.5 189.5 211.0 28 WJChess_164 (24) FR Jean-Francois Gazet 10.5 187.0 208.5 29 Nesik_070 (31) PL Marek Strejczek 10.5 180.0 199.0 30 Bodo_02b (27) AU Joel Venesse 10.5 175.0 196.0 31 nanoSzachy_26 (47) PL Piotr Cichy 10.5 174.0 195.0 32 Wing_20a (13) NL Stef Luijten 10.5 170.5 188.0 33 LordKing_40 (6) IT Carlo Pivotto 10.5 168.5 186.0 34 Tornado_10Mainz (20) DE Engin Uestuen 10.0 209.0 234.0 35 DrunkenMaster_12 (16) DE Marcus Prewarski 10.0 205.5 224.5 36 InMiChess_305 (2) AT Werner Inman 10.0 174.5 191.5 37 Ghost_014 (7) DE Philipp Classen 9.0 167.5 184.5 38 Matheus_23 (28) BR Josue Forte 9.0 166.5 184.0 39 MrChess_21 (32) SG Aloysius Han 8.0 176.0 195.0 40 Fortress_162 (8) CH-I Alessandro Damiani 8.0 168.5 186.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 GK_090 (23) NL Tijs van Dam 8.0 167.0 186.0 #41-48 demoted! 42 Tinker_526 (21) US Brian Richardson 7.0 170.5 189.5 43 Ax_08 (30) VI Pham Hong Nguyen 7.0 167.0 183.0 44 OliThink_411 (19) DE Oliver Brausch 6.5 174.5 193.0 45 Asterisk_04b (5) HU Horvath Peter 6.5 171.5 189.0 46 DelphiMax_29 (45) DE Martin Bauer 6.0 169.0 185.5 47 Celes_078RWBC (25) NL Johan Hutting 5.5 169.0 186.0 48 BigLion_223w (3) CM-D Matthias Gemuh 5.5 168.5 185.0

Cross Table

No Name                       Feder Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21  

1  Hiarcs_X50UCI  (33)        UK    19.5   4:1 13:1 12:=  2:1  5:1  6:1  3:1  9:= 14:1  8:1  7:1 10:1 16:= 11:1 34:1 22:1 17:1 23:1 18:1 20:1 25:1
2  Viper_01  (34)             NO    16    24:= 27:1 28:1  1:0 15:1 16:1 10:1  6:=  5:=  3:1  9:1  7:1 17:1 13:0  8:=  4:1 18:1 19:1 11:0 14:1 26:1
3  Colossus_2006f  (35)       UK    15.5  13:0  4:1 19:1 31:1 17:1 14:1  1:0 12:1  6:0  2:0 22:0 30:1 15:1  9:=  7:1  5:1  8:1 10:1 16:1 11:1 24:1
4  Aice_0992  (9)             GR    13.5   1:0  3:0 41:1 42:1 11:= 29:1 15:= 21:0 18:0 39:1 23:= 25:1 35:1 12:1 16:1  2:0  7:1  5:0  9:1 13:1  8:1
5  Danasah_244  (41)          ES    13    20:0 44:1 34:1 24:1  1:0 25:1 18:= 35:1  2:=  9:= 16:= 22:1  6:1  7:0 10:1  3:0 13:1  4:1 17:1  8:0 12:0
6  Gaia_35  (46)              FR    12.5  26:1 30:1 35:1 10:1  9:1  1:0 12:=  2:=  3:1  7:0 17:= 16:0  5:0 34:0 27:1 18:= 22:=  8:1 13:0 21:1 19:1
7  Anechka_008  (48)          RU    12.5  28:= 24:0 16:0 44:1 27:1 40:1 19:1 34:1 10:1  6:1  1:0  2:0  8:1  5:1  3:0 13:1  4:0 17:0 14:= 22:=  9:1
8  Homer_112  (39)            DE    12    12:0 32:1 20:1 38:1 23:= 22:1  9:= 10:0 15:1  1:0 11:= 21:1  7:0 14:1  2:= 16:1  3:0  6:0 28:1  5:1  4:0
9  RomiChess_Proto3i  (29)    US    12    45:1 19:1 33:1 15:1  6:0 12:=  8:=  1:= 21:=  5:=  2:0 11:= 34:=  3:= 22:0 20:1 16:1 35:1  4:0 10:1  7:0
10 Arion_17  (14)             FR    12    22:1 39:1 17:1  6:0 12:= 23:1  2:0  8:1  7:0 21:1 14:1  1:0 18:1 16:0  5:0 34:1 11:=  3:0 15:1  9:0 13:1
11 Typhoon_100r281  (37)      US    11.5  32:1 12:0 13:1 21:=  4:= 35:= 16:= 15:0 19:1 20:1  8:=  9:= 22:1  1:0 18:0 27:1 10:= 14:0  2:1  3:0 17:1
12 GES_136  (15)              US    11.5   8:1 11:1  1:= 33:1 10:=  9:=  6:=  3:0 16:0 22:0 31:1 15:0 37:1  4:0 20:0 45:1 32:1 18:= 23:= 17:=  5:1
13 Ayito_02994  (11)          ES    11.5   3:1  1:0 11:0 30:0 47:1 38:1 25:= 28:0 29:0 42:1 26:1 23:1 21:1  2:1 17:1  7:0  5:0 22:1  6:1  4:0 10:0
14 TwistedLogic_0065e37  (36) PH    11.5  16:1 35:0 40:= 36:1 28:1  3:0 24:1 18:1  1:0 34:1 10:0 17:0 30:1  8:0 23:0 26:1 19:= 11:1  7:=  2:0 22:1
15 Deuterium_06072463b  (43)  PH    11.5  44:1 20:1 21:1  9:0  2:0 34:=  4:= 11:1  8:0 35:= 29:= 12:1  3:0 22:0 24:1 19:= 23:0 36:1 10:0 42:1 16:1
16 ThorsHammer_228  (12)      CR-I  11    14:0 22:=  7:1 26:1 21:1  2:0 11:= 17:= 12:1 18:1  5:=  6:1  1:= 10:1  4:0  8:0  9:0 34:1  3:0 23:= 15:0
17 BugChess_213  (42)         FR    11    25:1 34:1 10:0 35:1  3:0 24:= 21:= 16:= 20:1 28:1  6:= 14:1  2:0 18:= 13:0 23:1  1:0  7:1  5:0 12:= 11:0
18 Xpdnt_060602  (40)         US    11    35:0 25:0 44:1 32:1 20:1 36:1  5:= 14:0  4:1 16:0 28:1 37:1 10:0 17:= 11:1  6:=  2:0 12:=  1:0 19:0 23:1
19 Genesis_201b1  (1)         IL    11    47:1  9:0  3:0 29:0 42:1 32:1  7:0 39:1 11:0 23:0 20:1 27:= 31:= 37:1 21:1 15:= 14:=  2:0 34:1 18:1  6:0
20 Natwarlal_012  (17)        IN    11     5:1 15:0  8:0 46:1 18:0 33:= 40:1 25:1 17:0 11:0 19:0 36:= 38:1 29:1 12:1  9:0 26:= 27:= 37:1  1:0 41:1
21 NagaSkaki_40  (26)         ZA    11    36:1 46:1 15:0 11:= 16:0 28:1 17:=  4:1  9:= 10:0 35:1  8:0 13:0 24:= 19:0 33:0 44:1 48:1 27:1  6:0 34:1
22 Alfil_691  (38)            ES    10.5  10:0 16:= 27:1 40:1 29:1  8:0 34:0 37:1 35:= 12:1  3:1  5:0 11:0 15:1  9:1  1:0  6:= 13:0 24:=  7:= 14:0
23 Sage_22a  (44)             US    10.5  34:0 42:1 47:1 25:1  8:= 10:0 35:0 27:0 24:= 19:1  4:= 13:0 28:1 26:1 14:1 17:0 15:1  1:0 12:= 16:= 18:0
24 BlackBishop_097i  (10)     DE    10.5   2:=  7:1 38:=  5:0 30:1 17:= 14:0 31:0 23:= 37:0 32:= 42:1 29:1 21:= 15:0 41:0 45:1 43:1 22:= 28:1  3:0
25 Madeleine_02  (18)         IT    10.5  17:0 18:1 39:1 23:0 31:1  5:0 13:= 20:0 26:0 36:1 45:1  4:0 27:0 38:= 33:= 44:1 28:0 32:1 29:1 35:1  1:0
26 Uragano_087  (22)          IT    10.5   6:0 45:= 37:1 16:0 36:0 31:= 46:= 40:1 25:1 30:0 13:0 32:1 39:1 23:0 28:1 14:0 20:= 41:1 35:= 33:1  2:0
27 Gaviota_033  (4)           AR    10.5  38:=  2:0 22:0 39:1  7:0 48:1 30:1 23:1 28:0 31:= 37:0 19:= 25:1 35:1  6:0 11:0 46:1 20:= 21:0 41:= 43:1
28 WJChess_164  (24)          FR    10.5   7:= 48:1  2:0 45:1 14:0 21:0 36:1 13:1 27:1 17:0 18:0 35:0 23:0 43:1 26:0 47:1 25:1 39:1  8:0 24:0 42:1
29 Nesik_070  (31)            PL    10.5  37:1 33:0 36:= 19:1 22:0  4:0 45:= 30:= 13:1 32:1 15:= 34:0 24:0 20:0 38:= 40:0 43:1 44:1 25:0 48:1 46:1
30 Bodo_02b  (27)             AU    10.5  48:1  6:0 31:0 13:1 24:0 37:1 27:0 29:= 36:1 26:1 34:=  3:0 14:0 44:0 43:0 32:0 41:1 45:= 47:1 46:1 40:1
31 nanoSzachy_26  (47)        PL    10.5  41:1 38:0 30:1  3:0 25:0 26:= 33:1 24:1 34:0 27:= 12:0 39:= 19:= 36:1 35:0 42:0 48:1 46:0 43:= 40:1 47:1
32 Wing_20a  (13)             NL    10.5  11:0  8:0 43:1 18:0 46:1 19:0 39:0 41:1 33:1 29:0 24:= 26:0 48:= 47:1 42:1 30:1 12:0 25:0 40:1 45:= 44:1
33 LordKing_40  (6)           IT    10.5  43:1 29:1  9:0 12:0 34:0 20:= 31:0 45:= 32:0 40:= 48:0 44:= 36:0 41:1 25:= 21:1 47:1 42:1 46:1 26:0 39:1
34 Tornado_10Mainz  (20)      DE    10    23:1 17:0  5:0 47:1 33:1 15:= 22:1  7:0 31:1 14:0 30:= 29:1  9:=  6:1  1:0 10:0 35:= 16:0 19:0 43:1 21:0
35 DrunkenMaster_12  (16)     DE    10    18:1 14:1  6:0 17:0 38:1 11:= 23:1  5:0 22:= 15:= 21:0 28:1  4:0 27:0 31:1 39:1 34:=  9:0 26:= 25:0 48:=
36 InMiChess_305  (2)         AT    10    21:0 41:1 29:= 14:0 26:1 18:0 28:0 46:1 30:0 25:0 47:1 20:= 33:1 31:0 44:1 43:= 39:1 15:0 48:= 38:0 45:1
37 Ghost_014  (7)             DE    9     29:0 47:0 26:0 43:1 39:1 30:0 41:1 22:0 45:1 24:1 27:1 18:0 12:0 19:0 46:0 48:1 42:= 40:1 20:0 44:= 38:0
38 Matheus_23  (28)           BR    9     27:= 31:1 24:=  8:0 35:0 13:0 43:0 48:1 39:0 45:0 44:1 41:0 20:0 25:= 29:= 46:= 40:0 47:1 42:= 36:1 37:1
39 MrChess_21  (32)           SG    8     40:1 10:0 25:0 27:0 37:0 42:1 32:1 19:0 38:1  4:0 43:1 31:= 26:0 46:1 48:1 35:0 36:0 28:0 41:= 47:0 33:0
40 Fortress_162  (8)          CH-I  8     39:0 43:1 14:= 22:0 45:1  7:0 20:0 26:0 44:= 33:= 42:0 47:= 46:1 48:1 41:0 29:1 38:1 37:0 32:0 31:0 30:0
41 GK_090  (23)               NL    8     31:0 36:0  4:0 48:= 43:1 45:= 37:0 32:0 42:0 47:1 46:1 38:1 44:0 33:0 40:1 24:1 30:0 26:0 39:= 27:= 20:0
42 Tinker_526  (21)           US    7     46:0 23:0 48:1  4:0 19:0 39:0 44:= 43:1 41:1 13:0 40:1 24:0 47:0 45:= 32:0 31:1 37:= 33:0 38:= 15:0 28:0
43 Ax_08  (30)                VI    7     33:0 40:0 32:0 37:0 41:0 44:1 38:1 42:0 47:1 48:1 39:0 46:0 45:1 28:0 30:1 36:= 29:0 24:0 31:= 34:0 27:0
44 OliThink_411  (19)         DE    6.5   15:0  5:0 18:0  7:0 48:= 43:0 42:= 47:0 40:= 46:1 38:0 33:= 41:1 30:1 36:0 25:0 21:0 29:0 45:1 37:= 32:0
45 Asterisk_04b  (5)          HU    6.5    9:0 26:= 46:1 28:0 40:0 41:= 29:= 33:= 37:0 38:1 25:0 48:1 43:0 42:= 47:0 12:0 24:0 30:= 44:0 32:= 36:0
46 DelphiMax_29  (45)         DE    6     42:1 21:0 45:0 20:0 32:0 47:1 26:= 36:0 48:0 44:0 41:0 43:1 40:0 39:0 37:1 38:= 27:0 31:1 33:0 30:0 29:0
47 Celes_078RWBC  (25)        NL    5.5   19:0 37:1 23:0 34:0 13:0 46:0 48:0 44:1 43:0 41:0 36:0 40:= 42:1 32:0 45:1 28:0 33:0 38:0 30:0 39:1 31:0
48 BigLion_223w  (3)          CM-D  5.5   30:0 28:0 42:0 41:= 44:= 27:0 47:1 38:0 46:1 43:0 33:1 45:0 32:= 40:0 39:0 37:0 31:0 21:0 36:= 29:0 35:=